宫廷秘史1:彼得一世的遗嘱Тайны дворцовых переворотов 1. Завещание Императора(2000)

又名:宫廷政变1:皇帝的遗嘱 / 宫廷政变 / Tayny dvortsovykh perevorotov


主演:谢·沙库洛夫 娜·叶戈罗娃 尼·柯尔琴索夫 

导演:斯·德鲁热娜 / 




Plot Summary:"Secrets of the Palace Revolutions" is a big historical project, directed by Svetlana Druzhinina - an acknowledged Russian director, best known for the trilogy "Gardemariny". After Emperor Peter I killed his only heir prince Alexey and issued the Decree of Succession, which provided that the Tsar would choose his own successor. But Peter I himself failed to do so before his death in 1725. In the decades that followed, the absence of clear rules of succession left the monarchy open to intrigues, plots, palace coups and counter-coups. The series has 8 Films, and follows the reign of Romanov dynasty during the Era of The era of Palace Revolutions.
1725年1月25日,彼得大帝即将驾崩,伴随着彼得大帝无力的手在遗嘱上写下了“把一切都交出去了”这几个不明白的字,阴谋家们开始策划宫廷政变。皇后叶卡捷琳娜的情夫-特级公爵孟什科夫·亚利山大·达尼雷奇凭着过人的胆识,在一小撮近卫军叛军的帮助下将代表着皇权的蓝色绶带从彼得大帝孙子-九岁的彼得二世身上夺走,挂到了曾在普鲁士人军队中当过洗衣妇的皇后叶婕琳娜丰满的胸前…… 伴随着近卫军的“前进!为了爱情和祖国!!”的减声中,叶卡婕宣誓作俄罗斯人民的忠实母亲和保卫者,成了叶卡婕琳娜一世。正是从这天起,俄罗斯开始了女人的统治,这统治整整持续了一百年……
