

主演:周渝民 伊能静 张宇 

导演:陈东汉 / 柳广辉 / 编剧:阳士藩



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 貧窮貴公子台灣版全集



Plot Summary:Tai Lang (Taro) is the smart, capable, and good at everything. He is popular with girls at school not just due to his qualities but also because of rumors that his family is the richest of the rich families at his school. But the truth is, Tai Lang lives in a poor one-room home with his mother and six siblings, scraping for every single cent and his skills come only from being the man and woman of the house. Unintentionally hiding his poverty, Taro is a kind person which makes him all the more lovable. When Long Zi falls for his exterior, she tries to seduce him to get out of the low-middle-class life she is living until she discovers the truth about his "riches".
太郎(周渝民 饰)是个超级优等生,而且长相好、体育万能,是所有女生爱慕的完美男生,但在学校无所不能、一身高贵气质的他,其实要操持一个极度贫穷的家,画家老爸和夫(朱孝天 饰)经常离家出走消失不见,留下天真娇气、理财家务白痴的老妈绫子(伊能静 饰)和七个孩子,生为长男的太郎 自然担起养家和照顾弟妹的所有重任。带着弟妹辛苦打工甚至捡垃圾,还是经常三餐不继,还要应付一个有点钱就花掉买很多华而不实东西的老妈,太郎却从不气馁,反而以超人般的责任感应付一切,一个爱慕他的女孩隆子(阿雅 饰)也渐渐走入他的生活……   本剧根据日本少女漫画《贫穷贵公子》改编。
