街头霸王2ストリートファイターII MOVIE(1994)

又名:Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie


主演:津嘉山正種 羽賀研二 藤谷美纪 

导演:杉井仪三郎 / 编剧:杉井仪三郎 Gisaburo Sugii/今井健 Takeshi Imai





Plot Summary:Bison, the ruthless leader of the international terrorist organization Shadowlaw, has been desperately searching for the greatest fighter on the planet for years. He finds it in Ryu, a young wanderer who never stays in one place long enough for Bison to find him. He does, however, get a fix on Ken Masters, an American martial arts champion who studied with Ryu as a child under the same master. Meanwhile, Major Guile of the United States Army is forced to team up with Chun Li from China in hopes of apprehending Bison and putting a stop his international ring of crime.
隆(清水宏次朗 配音)和肯(羽贺研二 配音)是年轻的武道家,毕生的理想就是追求更强健的体魄和更强大的力量,为了磨炼技艺,两人结伴而行开始了周游世界的旅程,只为了寻找更加强大的对手,探索各自的极限。   一路上,两人遇见了许多和他们志同道合的好友——活泼可爱的春丽(藤谷美纪 配音)、刚正不阿的古烈(津嘉山正种 配音)、不断突破着自我的飞龙(船木诚胜 配音),好友们在一起切磋比试,彼此之间技艺都有了很大的长进,隆更是因为遇见了一位神秘的师父,习得了破坏力巨大的“波动拳”。他们共同的敌人是强大而又邪恶的维加,一行人能否团结一心,组织维加的阴谋呢?
