生命三乐章3:安魂曲Après la vie(2002)

又名:Trilogy: Three (International: English title) (UK) / After the Life (International: English title)


主演:多米尼克·布隆 Gilbert Melki 凯瑟琳·弗洛 

导演:卢卡斯·贝尔沃克斯 / 编剧:卢卡斯·贝尔沃克斯 Lucas Belvaux



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Apres la Vie aka After Life 2002 DVDRip Sonata Pre
2019-05-12 Lucas Belvaux: The Trilogy [English Subs]
2019-05-12 Apres la Vie akter Life (2002)- Belvaux's trilogy



Plot Summary:The final installment in director Lucas Belvaux's trilogy follows Pascal, a cop who sees a return to credibility in the capture of escaped convict Bruno--who in turn is harbored by Pascal's morphine-addicted wife Agnes. Pascal's already precarious ties to Agnes are strained further when he meets and falls for her fellow schoolteacher friend Cecile. With Pascal focused on Bruno and Cecile, Agnes is forced to find a fix on her own.
在逃罪犯布鲁诺(Bruno)被吸食吗啡上瘾的艾格尼丝(Agnes)窝藏起来.艾格尼丝的丈夫帕斯卡(Pascal)作为一名警察正通过逮捕布鲁诺来恢复自己的名誉.   当帕斯卡遇见并爱上了妻子的同事,身为学校教师的塞西尔(Cecile)时,他和艾格尼丝本已紧张的关系变得更僵.面对帕斯卡把视线都集中在了布鲁诺和塞西尔身上这一情况,艾格尼丝不得不作出了自己的决定.
