像夏天一样寒冷froid comme l'été(2002)


主演:萨拉·格莱宾 娜塔莉·理查德 

导演:雅克·迈尤特 / 编剧:Pierre Chosson/雅克·迈尤特 Jacques Maillot



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Cold as Summer 2002



Plot Summary:Rachel is a young woman with a little daughter, but it seems that she can't make an emotional connection to her or care for her. She would very much like to live her life and have fun, but the child presents a millstone around her neck. So she often drops the infant at her neighbor to baby-sit and goes out. One day she decides to leave for good, heading to the Côte d'Azur, and leaves her neighbor a note to look after her child - not knowing that she's on vacation. The child dies, and of all people a middle-aged married female detective who is desperately trying to get pregnant is assigned the investigation.
单身母亲雷切尔抛弃掉襁褓中的孩子后,她与男人们展开一段段风流逸事,只身前往法国南部蒙彼利埃,与一个年轻的女贼陷入了一段奇异的恋爱关系。与此同时,拼死而无法怀上孩子的女警克莱尔渐渐地沉溺于找寻雷切尔之中。   导演雅克·迈尤特的这部叙述精巧的心理惊悚片聚焦在一个单身母亲雷切尔身上,她似乎异乎寻常地缺乏母性本能。导演给这个扣人心弦的故事带出一种紧张、悬疑的气氛,一种节制的同情怜悯之心。
