情迷彼得堡Бедная Настя(2003)

又名:Poor Nastya / Bednaya Nastya

主演:Elena Korikova Daniil Strakhov Pyotr Krasilov Ekaterina Klimova Olga Ostroumova Aleksandr Filippenko Anton Makarskiy Anna Tabanina Lyudmila Kurepova Svetlana Toma 尼娜·乌萨托娃 Dmitriy Shevchenko Anna Gorshkova Olga Syomina Igor Dmitriev 

导演:Yekaterina Dvigubskaya / Stanislav Libin / 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 !!! Бедная Настя !!!
2019-05-12 Бедная Настя
2019-05-10 Bednaya Nastya. (1-70). 2003. SATRipAVI
2019-05-10 Bednaya.Nastya.(001-127.seria.iz.127).2003.XviD.SA



Plot Summary:The story of "Bednaya Nastya" is set in the XIX century and features a whole tangle of various genres: romance, detective, historical drama and whatnot. The main plot of this soap-opera turns around a young and of course beautiful girl named Anna Platonova - a serf that was brought up by her patron Baron Korf who treated her like his own daughter, much to the seeming displeasure of his son Vladimir. Upon entering the High Society and meeting a noble young man Mikhail Repnin Anna doesn't even guess what kind of ordeals her life is going to go through... Love, hatred, betrayal, murder - it all has something to do with the mysterious Nastya that is being looked for during the whole series. But, as it usually happens, this massive 120-eps soap ends well, with love found, evil punished and justice triumphing.
王储亚历山大(Dmitri Isayev 饰)在一次偶然之中邂逅了美丽的宫女奥尔加(Marina Kazankova 饰),然而,奥尔加的出身实在是太过于卑微了,两人之间的感情遭到了沙皇尼古拉的强烈反对的,他想出了各种方法,只为了拆散这对爱侣 。安娜(叶莲娜·科里科娃 Yelena Korikova 饰)是科尔夫男爵的养女,在化装舞会上,她被精心安排一展美妙的歌喉,意在吸引亚历山大的注意,令他忘记奥尔加。   与此同时,科尔夫男爵的亲生儿子弗拉基米尔(丹尼尔·斯特拉霍夫 Daniil Strakhov 饰)对安娜非常的厌恶,他总觉得父亲偏心于她而忽略了自己,他打心眼里看不起安娜。
