幸福的黄色电影Torremolinos 73(2003)

又名:幸福黄色电影 / 托雷莫里诺斯73

上映日期:2003-04-26(马拉加电影节) / 2003-04-30(西班牙) / 2003-09-05(丹麦)片长:91分钟

主演:哈维尔·卡马拉 坎德拉·佩尼亚 胡安·迭戈 费尔南多·特赫罗 麦斯·米科尔森 玛伦娜·阿特里奥 拉蒙·巴雷阿 汤姆·雅各布森 Mari-Anne Jespersen 布贾内·亨里克森 努丽雅·冈萨雷斯 马里维·比巴 Germán Montaner 杰米·布兰奇 马克西莫·巴尔韦德 

导演:巴勃罗·贝格尔 / 编剧:巴勃罗·贝格尔 Pablo Berger





Plot Summary:Alfredo Lopez is a tired encyclopedia salesman, and Carmen is his faithful wife. The lives of this married couple change forever when the Montoya publishing house, in which Alfredo works, makes a proposal to them to make erotic films that will sold in the Scandinavian countries, under the guise of being a false encyclopedia about reproduction. Unknown to them both, Carmen has become an adult film star in the Northern countries, and a Danish crew flies in to help Alfredo make an Ingmar Bergman inspired feature film called "Torremolinos 73." Instead of a career in show business, Carmen is eager to have a baby, and the tension between the artist and his muse grows.
