王子与我The Prince & Me(2004)



主演:朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 卢克·梅伯利 米兰达·理查森 本·米勒 詹姆斯·福克斯 

导演:玛莎·库利奇 / 编剧:Katherine Fugate/Jack Amiel





Plot Summary:At the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Paige, a pre-med student and a farm girl from Manitowoc, meets Eddie, a fellow student from Denmark, whom she first dislikes but later accepts, likes, and loves. Paige takes Eddie to her home for the Thanksgiving weekend. Paparazzi find and photograph the couple, and Paige learns that Eddie is truly Crown Prince Edvard. Failing health causes King Haraald to abdicate in favor of Edvard, so Eddie returns to Copenhagen, then Paige follows her heart to Copenhagen, where Edvard warmly welcomes her, takes her to the castle, and introduces her to the royal family. Queen Rosalind first expresses opposition to Paige but later relents; King Haraald soon warms to her; Edvard proposes, Paige accepts, and he gives her a ring. However, Paige recalls her previous dream of going to Doctors Without Borders, so she breaks off and returns to school. Still, though, Edvard shows up at Paige's graduation and suggests an alternate plan.
又一部讲述灰姑娘故事的爱情轻喜剧电影。这回的女主角叫佩吉(朱莉娅·斯黛尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰),同样有着朴实的家境、美丽的容貌和渴望真命天子快点出现的萌动春心。她遇上了一个叫艾迪(卢克·梅伯利 Luke Mably 饰)的小伙子,他来自丹麦王室,前来寻找印象中的狂野的美国大学生活。二人因误会相识,从冰火不容慢慢变得言语投契,相互扶持,感情日渐深厚。佩吉更是邀请艾迪前来家乡过田园生活,爱情在鸟语花香中生根发芽。   然而,艾迪身为丹麦王子,和佩吉这个美国平民丫头终究身份悬殊。当佩吉好不容易进入了丹麦皇室,准备和王子长相厮守时,皇宫的繁文缛节却让她十分不适。佩吉再三考虑,决定和艾迪道别,回到美国继续念书。灰姑娘和王子难道注定属于不同的世界?
