

主演:大河内奈奈子 小泽真珠 神保悟志 峰岸彻 西村和彦 川上麻衣子 田岛穂奈美 安谷屋なぎさ 一柳みる 佐藤仁哉 新藤惠美 北原佐和子 

导演:西本淳一 / 油谷诚至 / 皆川智之 / 藤木靖之 / 编剧:中岛丈博 Takehiro Nakajima





Plot Summary:Kyoko is a nurse who is betrayed by her husband Toyoki. She is so furious that she kidnaps Mayo, the baby born between Toyoki and his girlfriend Tokiko. Kyoko decides to call the baby Botan, and starts raising her in secrecy. The couple is broken-hearted, but the following year, Tokiko gives birth to a baby girl whom they name Kayo. They devote themselves to loving the child, and try hard to forget their sad past. Consequently, Mayo and Kayo grow up not knowing about each other. But destiny brings the two together when they end up living under the same roof-Kayo (younger sister) as the daughter of a very rich family, and Mayo (elder sister) as the housekeeper. By the time the two find out the truth about their past, they have fallen in love with the same man, Yukio. The drama consists of four parts-the birth of Mayo and Kayo, their lives during high school, reuniting as adults, and five years later. This is an epic spanning 30 years filled with love and hatred.
镜子(川上麻衣子 饰)和男友丰树(神保悟志 饰)相恋多年,最终却落得被抛弃的下场。原来,丰树选择了和家财万贯的千金大小姐富贵子(北原佐和子 饰)结婚,婚后,富贵子很快就怀孕并诞下了一个可爱的女儿,被嫉妒和仇恨冲昏了头脑的镜子偷偷抱走了这个小婴儿,取名为牡丹(大河内奈奈子 饰),将她抚养长大。   在失去了第一个孩子后,富贵子生下了香世(小泽真珠 饰),在父亲和母亲的疼爱之下,香世顺利的长大了。谁知造化弄人,命运让牡丹和香世这对亲姐妹在相互并不知道对方真实身份的情况下住在了同一屋檐下,香世是高高在上的大小姐,而牡丹则是身份低微的女佣。
