
主演:江角真纪子 山下智久 柳叶敏郎 胜地凉 

导演:佐々木章光 / 藤尾隆 / 编剧:金子ありさ



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 sorewa totsuzen ep01 dvd [sars] avi
2019-05-11 像暴风雨般的恋爱



Plot Summary:Kozue Ogawa (Esumi Makiko) is a housewife and has been married to Hideo (Yanagiba Toshiro) for seven years. They don't have any children but as they live with her parents at their flower shop, everyday is still lively. She is happy with her life and her husband but she wonders if it is enough. From time to time, she is gripped by this doubt that she cannot raise with anyone. Kozue starts a part-time job in the editing department of the magazine where she used to work. Her former colleague is now working hard as the editor-in-chief. One rainy day, Kozue meets a young man. He is Takuma Fukazawa (Yamashita Tomohisa), a high school student. He seems somehow shrouded in sadness. He is a dance teacher. In the dance studio, there is just the two of them. Takuma curls his hands around Kozue's body and his dance instruction begins. Their unexpected closeness causes Kozue to hesitate. With her heart pounding, she pushes Takuma's hands away and runs home. But the throbbing in her chest continues...
全职主妇小梢(江角真纪子 饰)结婚七年,与身为银行职员的丈夫小川日出男(柳叶敏郎 饰)一直过着平凡而普通的生活。为了家庭而放弃工作的小梢,终于在七年后说出了自己想重新工作的想法。在说服了家庭观念极强的丈夫之后,小梢重新回到了以前的“创树出版”出版社。虽然只是临时工一职,但对于小梢来说,却是一个全新的开始。   一日,暴雨滂沱,小梢偶遇在雨中呆立的高中男孩拓马(山下智久 饰)。失魂落魄的拓马幸得小梢的提醒才免遭车祸,于是他将全身湿透的小梢带回了自己的舞蹈教室,原来拓马正是这里的交谊舞教练。小梢哪里知道,她就这样在机缘巧合下踏进了舞蹈的世界,而更令她始料未及的是,一段如暴风雨般迅猛热烈的爱情正在悄悄地改变她平淡的人生。
