叻女夏令营là Clara cet été(2004)

又名:là Clara cet été / Clara's Summer(USA)


主演:Selma Brook Stéphanie Sokolinski Salomé Stévenin 

导演:Patrick Grandperret / 编剧:Nathalie Stragier



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Clara's Summer (2004)
2019-05-11 03.[法国三级] 叻女夏令营 [精装中文字幕]



Plot Summary:Clara and her best friend Zoé head to summer camp for a summer of adventure and self-discovery. Both virgins, Zoé views camp as her chance to lose her virginity. After becoming romantically involved with Sébastien, a fellow camp member, Zoé learns that Sébastien cares far more about his friends than her and has sex with her just to impress them. After discovering this unsettling fact, Zoé turns to Clara for moral support and then, in a moment of confusion, professes her love for her. Clara, in the midst of recognizing her own sexuality, rejects Zoé's romantic advance but soon regrets the spurn, and begins to become attracted to the beautiful and out Sonia.
炎热的暑假又到了,充满激情的沙滩暑期风帆训练营开幕了。一大群青少年来到了这个充满朝气的沙滩,当然,有的人醉翁之意不在酒,女孩卡拉(塞尔玛•布洛克 SELMA •BROOK 饰)和素儿(斯特法妮•索科林斯克 Stéphanie Sokolinski 饰)就打算在这个夏季训练营里打破自己的第一次。素儿看上了训练营地帅哥巴斯,加上好友卡拉在旁的推波助澜,素儿和巴斯很快走到了一起。看到好友已经出双入对,卡拉心里又难免感到一丝寂寞。无聊之际,卡拉和训练营里公认美女辛尼娅成了好朋友,但因为辛尼娅是同性恋,所以卡拉遭到了众人的耻笑。为了证明自己,卡拉展开了一个大胆的计划……
