Plot Summary:Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, a Camus-reading kid from Sacramento, enlists in the Marines in the late 1980s. He malingers during boot camp, but makes it through as a sniper, paired with the usually-reliable Troy. The Gulf War breaks out, and his unit goes to Saudi Arabia for Desert Shield. After 175 days of boredom, adrenaline, heat, worry about his girlfriend finding someone else, losing it and nearly killing a mate, demotion, latrine cleaning, faulty gas masks, and desert football, Desert Storm begins. In less than five days, it's over, but not before Swoff sees burned bodies, flaming oil derricks, an oil-drenched horse, and maybe a chance at killing. Where does all the testosterone go?
20世纪90年代初,中东战火一触即发,著名的“沙漠风暴”正在酝酿之中。20岁的小伙子安东尼·斯沃福德(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)出身于军人世家,他的祖父父亲、叔父是历次战场上走下来的英雄。安东尼从小耳濡目染,立志成为一名在战场上立下莫大功勋的光荣军人。经过无数残酷训练,他终于被派往海军陆战队第七陆战远征旅第二营,正式投身中东战场。安东尼踌躇满志,却发现战争的残酷远远出乎他的意料。在此期间,家乡的女友不忠出轨,恐惧、空虚、压抑则时刻折磨他的神经,战争的真正意义更令他陷入沉思与矛盾之中…… 本片根据前美国海军陆战队队员安东尼·斯沃福德(Anthony Swofford)2003年的畅销书改编,并荣获2005年圣地亚哥影评人协会特别奖。