
又名:The Outsiders Ⅰ

主演:郭品超 安以轩 蓝正龙 陆明君 张勋杰 谢承均 倪敏然 庞庸之 勾峰 应采灵 戴君竹 卢惠光 

导演:柯翰辰 / 编剧:曹如萍 Ruping Cao/林雅淳 Yachun Lin





Plot Summary:Story revolves around three sworn brothers namely Yu Hao, Shan Zi and Yang Xiong Qi. They are delinquents, fighting to gain what they want, though they have never officially joined any triads yet. Their leader Yu Hao falls for Xiao Yan Zi, who is the opposite of everything that the boys are. She is from a family with very good background and has a bright future as a budding pianist. An ambush on Yu Hao by a rival gang brings them together when Yan Zi saves Yu Hao. So the story revolves around how they fall in love and how Yu Hao, in a bid to protect Yan Zi, ends up joining the triads in order to get protection.
偶像剧《斗鱼》,是由台湾作家洛心的,《小雏菊》改编。   对于读女校,家教甚严的裴语燕(安以轩 饰)来说,生活就是一连串规律的计画构成,什么都是事先安排好的模板。直到偶遇一群混混围殴一少年于皓(郭品超 饰),无意间的搭救让不同世界的两个人从此产生了牵绊。   于皓的爸爸死得早,母亲改嫁后基本都是独自生活。村子里的阿奇勋奇(张勋杰 饰)和单立杰(蓝正龙 饰)是他的哥儿们,三人一起翘课、一起玩乐、一起恶作剧、一起挨罚,最后三人也加入了当地的帮会。而语燕为了于皓与父母决裂,跟随于皓过上了颠沛流离的黑道生活,终于当年那朵圣洁的百合辗转成了众兄弟敬重的燕子姐。   亲情和爱情、友情和爱情、黑社会和道德,究竟能给人的一生带来如何的毁灭……
