吉尔莫女孩 第六季Gilmore Girls(2005)

又名:母女情深 第六季

主演:劳伦·格拉汉姆 阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 梅丽莎·麦卡西 斯科特·帕特森 安庆名惠子 莉莎·维尔 肖恩·古恩 马特·朱克瑞 凯利·毕晓普 爱德华·赫曼 罗伯特·福克沃斯 迈克尔·温特斯 利兹·托瑞斯 萨莉·斯特拉瑟斯 瑞琪·琳德赫姆 露西·巴特勒 詹姆士·塔珀 Yanic Truesdale Tanc Sade Grant Lee Phillips 柯蒂斯·安徒生 Brian Berke John Reha 

导演:埃米·谢尔曼-帕拉迪诺 / 编剧:埃米·谢尔曼-帕拉迪诺 Amy Sherman-Palladino

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日期 资源名称
2021-06-26 吉尔莫女孩 第六季 Gilmore Girls Season 6

吉尔莫女孩 第六季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Luke answers Lorelai's question and as news of Luke's reply leaks to the denizens of Stars Hollow, the untraditional proposal stirs up more talk than the answer itself. Richard and his lawyer go to bat for Rory in court for her yacht incident, but the judge is tougher than expected.
