Plot Summary:Red Doors tells the story of the Wongs, a bizarrely dysfunctional Chinese-American family living in the New York suburbs. Ed Wong has just retired and plots to escape his mundane life. However, the tumultuous, madcap lives of his three rebellious daughters change his plans. The eldest daughter, Samantha, is an ambitious businesswoman in Manhattan who suddenly gets cold feet about her upcoming marriage when she runs into an old high school flame. Julie, the shy middle sister, finds her life as a studious medical student turned upside down when she falls for a movie starlet visiting the hospital. Katie, the youngest sister, is a disaffected high school senior who engages in a continually escalating and dangerous prank war with her longtime neighbor and nemesis, Simon. Ultimately, Ed's disappearance compels each daughter to examine her own understanding of the role and connection she has to the family. At the same time, the Wongs learn to live their own lives outside the invisible fences of their home.
故事围绕一个五口人(三个女儿和父母两人)的华裔家庭,情节略带喜剧色彩,影片中穿插了很多编导Georgia自己幼时 的家庭录像片段,这部描述一个华裔家庭的电影,以出生在美国的第二代华裔观点审视自我,同时传达第二代亚裔对“根和文化”的认知,是2005年翠贝卡影展“叙事类”中唯一华裔导演的影片。