仙境传说Ragnarok The Animation(2004)

主演:水树奈奈 桃井晴子 阪口大助 久川绫 子安武人 中井和哉 

导演:岸诚二 / 浅井义之 / 长滨亘彦 / 白石道太 / 日卷裕二 / 吉田隆彦 / 加藤显 / 编剧:三井秀樹




Plot Summary:Many young adventurers journey across the changing Rune Midgard Kingdom. Yuufa (Job: Acolyte), who has said her goodbyes to her brother Orki's grave, and Roan (Job: Swordsman), a childhood friend, encounter many people on their fight against the shadows that loom over the kingdom. The two are oblivious to the fate that approaches them. Will they grow stronger on their journeys? And will Roan's feelings for Yuufa take their relationship to a higher level? Yuufa and Roan meet many unique people on their journey. Maaya, the merchant who is traveling with her Poring "Poipoi". Judia, an excellent hunter who likes fortune telling. Takius, a mysterious mage who is always wearing a blindfold. These encounters with others only adds to the variety of their story. What fate awaits the young adventurers?
制作·发行 GONZO DIGIMATION   角色 - 声优表   Yuufa 水树奈々   Maaya 桃井はるこ   Rowan 阪口大助   Takius 久川绫   Kio 子安武人   由重力社、GANGHO、东京电视台制作的以MMORPG《仙境传说(RAGNAROK ONLINE)》为背景的TV动画2004年于4月6日凌晨1点30分、由东京电视台首播。   《RAGNAROK THE ANIMATION》是以异变后的卢恩·米德加尔特王国作为舞台、描写一对少男少女共同冒险经历的动画片。主人公是刚刚告别兄长之墓的尤法(服侍)和年幼的剑士罗法。片中叙述了他们了靠自己的力量游历于世界、度过千百艰难痛苦而培养出纯洁爱情的故事。
