
又名:突然7鸭 / 美少男出租 / Waters


主演:小栗旬 松尾敏伸 须贺贵匡 桐岛优介 平山广行 

导演:西村了 / 




Plot Summary:Seven young men desperate for quick money arrive at a desolate seaside bar Dog Days to be auditioned for "hosts" - a highly popular occupation to entertain female patrons with smooth talk and soothing smile while offering drinks at the "host clubs." Although their previous jobs vary from a street performer to an ex-banker, they are all happy to get the dream job easily until they discover that the "manager" has run away with their deposits! Seeing them discouraged, the sympathetic bar owner offers his place to open up a host club by themselves. With the help of his granddaughter Chika, who has a heart disorder, despite their initial confusion mixed with personal problems and a typhoon that almost blew down the place, they gradually find the true meaning of friendship, trust and love.
实业家小雪(须贺贵匡 饰)、篮球运动员庆太(森本亮治 饰)、协调员进太郎(葛山信吾 饰)、厨师铁平(平山浩行 饰)等七个年轻人均遭遇了人生滑铁卢,无奈之下,穷的只剩下身体的七人怀着侥幸的心理应聘起了牛郎的工作,没想到均被录用。在用身上仅剩的钱支付了保证金后,带着喜悦的心情的七人决定在新的战场上重振雄风。   令七人没有想到的是,上班的第一天便出了事故,店长卷走了全部家当人间蒸发,只留下空空如也的店铺。明白了人生掌握在自己手中的道理,走投无路的七人决定联手,就这样,名为“DOGDAYS”的牛郎店开张了。容纳了众人梦想的小小店铺,会有多少有笑有泪的故事发生在其中呢?
