

主演:片桐仁 户次重幸 高桥真唯 

导演:及川拓郎 / 高桥秀明 / 编剧:及川拓郎/蓬莱竜太/戸次重幸



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】益智游戏迅雷下载.2008.1.84gb.torrent
2019-05-11 The Quiz Show 2008 Season 1 Complete Enghardsub



Plot Summary:The Quiz Show features tormented characters in twelve episodes, with one common thread - the mysterious relationship between the deviant Producer and enigmatic Host of The Quiz Show. The Producer and the Host are both introduced in each episode in a dark asylum, the Producer looking put-together and strong, the Host ill-looking and without his memory. This short opening flashes into the dream-like set of "The Quiz Show." Each week a new contestant comes to play on the game show - little do they know that a dark secret deep within their past will be tested throughout the game. Each contestant highlights one of the Seven Deadly Sins - pride, gluttony, wrath, greed, sloth, lust and envy. They hide their public image behind an unforgivable sin they have committed. As they are asked questions from the Host, seven questions in total, the contestants are slowly forced to reveal details of their sins - will they lie under the pressure, or will the truth of their irremissible acts set them ...
The Quiz Show是日本银河电视台举办的一档有奖问答节目,获胜选手除可领取丰厚的千万奖金,电视台还会帮助其完成梦想。   和同类问答类节目不同的是,The Quiz Show的问题会涉及到选手们的许多私人隐私,每一次,主持人田崎(片桐仁饰)和制片人山之辺(戸次重幸饰)总有办法剥下选手们的外衣,问出他们隐藏许久的“秘密”,将他们弄得狼狈不堪,甚至在摄像机前失态。   “把全部真相大白于人前,用牺牲来换取梦想。”策划这样的节目真的是为了使人幸福吗,抑或是有其他不可告人的目的?参与节目的嘉宾们间的关系图开始明朗,背后的真相也渐渐浮出台面。
