背马鞍的男孩اسب دوپا(2008)

又名:两条腿的马 / Asbe du-pa / Two-Legged Horse


主演:Ziya Mirza Mohamad Haron Ahad Gol-Ghotai Khojeh Nader Yasin Tavildar 

导演:莎米拉·玛克玛尔巴夫 / 编剧:Mohsen Makhmalbaf





Plot Summary:A father who has a young son with one leg and no other household members must go to India for some weeks. He hires another boy for a dollar a day to carry the son around on his back, to the school or to whatever whims may occur to the son. Actually the son is so skilled in jumping at really great speed, that he does not need any help or any "horse". The son's whims include not only verbal and physical abuse, but also repeated "horse fights" where "the horse" will continually be knocked down. Even "the horse's" tender feelings for a child girl beggar are exploited and mocked. Because of the brutal and degrading treatment "the horse" will become more and more similar to a real horse.
一天一块钱,财东家的管家为自己双腿残疾的小主人找一个强壮的男孩子做“马”。在蜂拥而来的应征者中,一个精神残疾的男孩最终胜出,得到了这份一天一块钱的工作。“马”每天背着小主人上学放学,而且要忍受小主人暴虐的脾气和争强好胜的性格。一位路边的乞丐小女孩似乎让两个人的生活中都出现了亮色,主仆二人都用自己的方式开始追求小女孩,最终小主人在较量中胜出。从此,“马”便心甘情愿的成为一头牲畜了…… 本片被称为《悲惨世界》的伊朗版,由伊朗导莎米拉·马克马巴夫导演,她曾因《苹果》和《黑板》两部影片而声名远扬。该片曾入选多伦多国际影展、釜山影展“亚洲视窗”单元。
