四签名The Sign Of Four(2001)


主演:麦特·弗莱弗 肯内兹·威尔 索非亚·罗兰尼 

导演:Rodney Gibbons / 编剧:Joe Wiesenfeld



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four (2001) Matt F
2019-05-11 Sherlock.Holmes.The.Sign.of.Four.2001.Xvid.DVDRip-



Plot Summary:Greed, betrayal and vengeance set the stage for this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic. Mary Morstan, a young governess, has been receiving a rare and lustrous pearl annually from an anonymous benefactor. This mysterious person now wants a meeting. Anxious and bewildered, Miss Morstan enlists Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to escort her to this meeting. Together they go to the home of an eccentric novelist, Thaddeus Sholto, who recounts to them a tale of secrecy, hidden treasure and sudden death. Thaddeus reports that his father, Major Sholto, was in the army in India with Miss Morstan's father where the two had come to possess a fabulous treasure. Subsequently, her father mysteriously disappeared without his promised share. A guilt-ridden Major Sholto hid the treasure and sent Miss Morstan the annual gift of pearls. Years later, a letter arrives which leaves Major Sholto in a state of shock and despair. On his deathbed, Major Sholto prepares to tell his twin sons about the treasure's location, but dies before the location is revealed. Thaddeus' twin brother, Bartholomew, spent weeks digging and searching for the treasure - and has now just found it.
一位英国妇人玛丽每年在她父亲失踪的日子都收到一个匿名的邮包。十年前她父亲的失踪对她来说是一次不堪回首的经历。今年,她收到的是那位幽灵般的寄件人的一封信,约她在一个深夜见面。   在福尔摩斯和华生的帮助下,玛丽与神秘人会面。然而会面并没揭开真相,相反给他们带来更多的疑问。神秘人在留下一个线索就突然死亡。这线索令福尔摩斯他们决意找出这独特的犯罪背后危险而又不可预测的真相。
