
又名:老男孩 / The bright eleven - Old Boys


主演:肖央 王太利 韩秋池 于蓓蓓 张末 颜隆 宋金岳 贺敬东 李卫东 刘若瑶 张菁 王昂 薛萌 杜鹏 佟友琴 郭广启 郭一非 踏西男孩 

导演:肖央 / 编剧:肖央 Yang Xiao





Plot Summary:Xiao Dabao and Wang Xiaoshuai, two boys, used to be good friends in their childhood, because they were both crazy about Michael Jackson and have both been rejected by the most beautiful girl in school. Once they had grown up, neither of them was rich or living a very comfortable life. After learning about the death of Michael Jackson, they decided to take part in a singing competition. They performed a song called \"Old Boys,\" which contained their old memories. Unfortunately, they failed the competition once they reached the top 50. However, their performance touched the judges and a lot of the audience. Taking part in the competition ended up being an important new experience in their lives.
11度青春系列是由11位当下青年导演中的翘楚执导系列电影短片,由中国电影集团联手优酷网共同出品,汇集最鲜活的青春奋斗力量。   本片叙述了一对好友肖大宝(肖央 饰)和王小帅(王太利 饰)人到中年重新登台找回梦想的故事。80年代的他们做过所有那么年纪叛逆少年经历的一切,打架闹 事、痴迷迈克尔杰克逊、迷恋校花(于蓓蓓 饰)。可物是人非,20多年后曾经的流氓头头肖大宝成为了一名蹩脚的婚庆主持人,当年的模仿王王小帅则成为了一家理发店的小老板。一次偶然的机会,两人偶遇昔日跟班现在电视制片人包小白 (韩秋池 饰),鼓动两人参加“欢乐男生”选秀节目。而两人为了重拾当年的梦想决定参赛。一首歌自创《老男孩》让他们回到青春,回到过去,也感动了常年场外所有的观众。
