功夫传奇Kung Fu Quest(2010)

主演:李嘉 欧锦棠 文韦森 

导演:夏桂昌 / 编剧:夏桂昌




Plot Summary:Modern Chinese martial arts are inherent to their emotional complexes resulting in various martial arts practitioners constantly looking for sources to seek the root as well as new outlets for this kind of ancient culture, no matter it is via the books, media, competitions, performance or maintaining the healthy lifestyles. The fact why Kung Fu has become a legend could never be illustrated in a few sentences. The programme "Kung Fu Quest" hereby wishes to present the genuine side of the traditional Kung Fu in representing the valuable character, physique and spirit that underlined the Chinese Martial Arts.
中国功夫源远流长,因南北地理民风各异,衍生出脉络有序,风格独特,自成体系的不同门派。在中国社会,功夫更渗入各种文学、电影及戏剧之中,具有无可取代的人文意义。托银幕之渲染,近年,中国功夫更登上国际舞台,成为欧美社会理解中华文化的重要注脚。中国功夫,早已不局限于华人社会,而是普世的文化传承。   鉴此,本节目七位主持,将分别带领观众深入了解武当、少林、咏春、洪拳及太极五大门派,探索功夫的真面目,领略功夫的人文意义。以其攻防技击之实,展现中国文化的内涵。中国功夫,不单是中华民族对攻防技击及策略上的理解,更是一种情操的修行及思想的冶炼。透过功夫的积累,人可以从中了解自己,挑战自我,最后超越自身。中华先师承传下来的,既是千年的智慧与经验,也是一条寻找真理的道路。
