男孩村Boys Village(2011)


主演:Benjamin Thorne Hannah-Rose Jones Jack Jones 

导演:蒂尔·克莱纳特 / 编剧:Till Kleinert



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Boys Village 2011 rus.avi



Plot Summary:The Boys' Village was once a holiday home for coalminers' sons, boasting a pool, sports yards and even a chapel of its own. Not much remains of its former glory, though. Shattered glass and debris are all over the place; graffiti on the walls. There are countless trap falls and opportunities for injury. A parent's nightmare, it can be heaven on earth for a certain kind of child. It more or less is for Kevin. He has been eleven years old for quite some time now. Has it been years or decades?
英国南威尔士的男孩村,是一处原本供小孩玩耍嬉戏的废弃度假村。如今这里只剩下断壁残垣和荒烟蔓草,还有一些费解的涂鸦。由于墙壁一推即倒,男孩村成为了很多人心中的噩梦。然而对凯文(Benjamin Thorne 饰)来说恰恰相反,他已经在这里度过了很多个11岁。某天一个帅气的男孩艾力克斯(Andrew McQueen 饰)出现在男孩村......   德国导演蒂尔·克莱纳特凭同志短片《牛仔惊魂》获得了2008年Iris世界同志短篇大赛冠军,他用奖金拍摄了这部清新中带着惊悚元素的《男孩村》。本片在2011年应邀参展北京大学生电影节,并获得了观众票选的最佳短片奖。
