Plot Summary:Twenty year old Lukas (Rick Okon) is a female to male (FTM) Transsexual man, taking the steps through his gender reassignment treatment. His friendship with Ine (Liv Lisa Fries), who is lesbian, is making the changes and assimilation easier. Lukas sees his romantic world open up for him as Ine introduces him to gay life in Cologne. As he becomes more and more interested in a local gay boy (Max Befort), things are getting more and more complicated. Should Lukas tell this boy who he really is?
该怎样去爱一个人,当你连自己是男是女都说不清?该怎样去爱自己,当你连自己的身体都难以确定?从小就认定自己该是男生的卢卡斯(里克·奥肯 Rick Okon 饰),决定在二十岁生日那天做变性手术。在一次狂欢派对上他遇见了狂野帅气的男同志法比欧(麦斯米兰·贝佛特 Maximi lian Befort 饰),两人迅速坠入情网。面对炙热难挡的同性吸引力,怀着身体构造的错乱秘密 ,这段真假罗密欧的倒错恋情又将如何找到属于自己的幸福结局? 《双面罗密欧》以优异的得奖剧本呈现人物的自我认同。拥有女孩性徵却是男孩灵魂的主角,在变性手术前与另一男孩发展出一段倒错恋情,从各个角度看它都是一个荒谬大胆的故事,但也引导出关于身份认同的新观点,引领我们进入到同志电影的新境界 。导演萨宾·柏娜德“希望告诉观众,一个年轻人应如何勇敢的去过他要的生活,以及人们对快乐的追求与渴望”。