Plot Summary:Michael Phelps hosts after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Bobby Moynihan's first episode. Sketches include: A Non-Partisan Message From Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton (with Tina Fey cameo), Michael Phelps Monologue, Quiz Bowl, Jar Glove, Locker Room Motivation, Craig and Stacia, Weekend Update with Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers, Weekend Update: Alaska Pete, Weekend Update: Nicholas Fehn, Weekend Update: Cathy, The Charles Barkley Show, T-Mobile, An SNL Digital Short, Pizzeria Uno, The Michael Phelps Diet. Lil Wayne performs "Got Money" and "Lollipop". Episode dedicated to Bernie Brillstein. Barack Obama and Chuck Norris cameos cancelled due to Hurricane Ike.
第34季第一集 由Tina扮演的共和党女总统候选人和Amy扮演的民主党人Hillary Clinton展开了电视演讲,两人集体探讨女性在总统竞选中的不利地位。本期主持人是刚刚在奥运会上获得八枚金牌的Michael Phelps,他称主持SNL是他人生中第九大光荣时刻,台下他的母亲也兴奋异常,更有不少商家来到现场想找Phelps代言产品.....本期音乐嘉宾Lil' Wayne。