
又名:亡念之扎姆德 / Xam'd: Lost Memories

主演:阿部敦 三瓶由布子 折笠富美子 立花慎之介 石冢运升 早水理沙 本城雄太郎 松本保典 玉井夕海 藤原启治 滨田贤二 小西克幸 桑岛法子 水泽史绘 井上麻里奈 纳谷六朗 根谷美智子 藤村步 津久井教生 清川元梦 朴璐美 麦人 土井美加 堀绚子 麻生美代子 松来未祐 菅沼久义 古谷彻 

导演:宫地昌幸 / 德土大介 / 野村和也 / 池添隆博 / 三宅和男 / 宫繁之 / 绵田慎也 / 立仙裕俊 / 村田尚树 / 宫原秀二 / 中川聪 / 筱崎康行 / 矢吹勉 / 安藤正臣 / 原口浩 / 编剧:清水惠 Megumi Shimizu/野村祐一 Yuuichi Nomura/大野木宽 Hiroshi Ônogi/宮地昌幸 Miyaji Masayuki




Plot Summary:A young man named Akiyuki is a victim of a terrorist attack perpetrated on his peaceful island during wartime. As a result of the attack, he is imbued with an indefinable entity known as a Hiruko and becomes Xam'd. Akiyuki is unwillingly endowed with great powers and must learn to live in symbiosis with the Hiruko. If he does not, the Hiruko will take over his soul and turn him to stone. Akiyuki's family and friends become intertwined in the war which is raging between the northern and southern islands of their homeland.
