Plot Summary:Six months after the suicide of her twin sister Sofie, Megan still grieves her death and misses her beloved sister. In the Saint John's Eve, Megan travels with her friends Christian, Zoe, Mark and Alicia to her family's house in Nowell Lake, Louisiana, to celebrate the summer solstice. While shopping supplies in a local store, Megan befriends the seller Nick and buys a magazine with an article about communication with the dead in the summer solstice, the time of year when there is the greatest length of daylight. While in her house, Megan is haunted by a spirit that she believes is Sofie trying to communicate with her. In her investigation, she suspects of the weird hick Leonard and while snooping in his house, she finds the picture of the missing girl Malin and unravels a dark secret about the suicide of her sister.
双胞胎妹妹索菲(Elisabeth Harnois 伊丽莎白•哈诺伊斯 饰)的自杀令梅根(Elisabeth Harnois 饰)伤心不已,在之后的六个月里,她的思念从未停止。 夏至来临,梅根和克利斯提安(Shawn Ashmore 饰)、祖儿(Amanda Seyfried 饰)、马克(Matt O'Leary 饰)、爱丽莎(Hilarie Burton 饰)四名好友前往位于路易斯安那诺威尔湖的别墅度假。偶然机会,梅根从当地一本杂志上看到在夏至当天可与死者交流的方法。她如法尝试,超自然现象不断出现,而梅根也无意中发现了妹妹自杀的秘密……