超越地平线Beyond the Horizon(2009)

又名:史蒂芬·霍金看宇宙: 時间简史/Stephen Hawking and The Theory Of Everything


主演:史蒂芬·霍金 Lina Patel 乔西·甘默尔 

导演:布鲁斯·奈保 / 





Plot Summary:Olivia is a twenty-something reporter assigned to the religion beat for the London Times. She is on deadline to write a feature story about cosmology and the meaning of existence on the 100th anniversary of Einstein's proposing the special theory of relativity. Olivia is scheduled to interview the "rock star" of cosmologists, Stephen Hawking. A skeptic when it comes to scientific facts, she firmly believes science holds no meaning for the Big Questions of life. The interview with Stephen Hawking leads to more than Olivia bargained for-a whirlwind journey through time and space, where deep space images explode onto the big screen and where the "Big Questions" are answered for Olivia and the audience with ease and whimsy.
霍金的生平是非常富有传奇性的,在科学成就上,他是有史以来最杰出的科学家之一,他的贡献是在他20年之久被卢伽雷病禁锢在轮椅上的情况下做出的,这真正是空前的。 《时间简史——从大爆炸到黑洞》(1988年撰写)这本书是霍金的代表作。作者想象丰富,构思奇妙,语言优美,字字珠玑,更让人咋惊,世界之外,未来之变,是这样的神奇和美妙。这本书至《时间简史续编》 作为宇宙学无可争议的权威,霍金的研究成就和生平一直吸引着广大的读者,《时间简史续篇》是为想更多了解霍金教授生命及其学说的读者而编的。该书以坦白真挚的私人访谈形式,叙述了霍金教授的生平历程和研究工作,展现了在巨大的理论架构后面真实的“人”。该书不是一部寻常的口述历史,而是对二十世纪人类最伟大的头脑之一的极为感人又迷人的画像和描述。对于非专业读者,本书无疑是他们享受人类文明成果的机会和滋生宝贵灵感的源泉。
