
又名:Twilight Dancing


主演:刘兆铭 成泰燊 王珞丹 

导演:书亚 / 高天 / 编剧:书亚





Plot Summary:The world used to resemble a ring-like island and it was here, that a man's (Yanbing Hao) wife went missing. For eight years he imprisoned himself in a big, red van, waiting for her return. During this time he would drive to the highway everyday, where lots of accidents happened. He made it his responsibility to pick up people who got stuck there in his red van. It was also where he met, Meimei, and fell in love with her. Meimei was a special girl who was born with a special 'gift' from God, but went through pure, severe physical pains all over her body everyday. She discovered that Hao's red van held a magic power which soothed her pains. Meimei had been adopted by an old man (Uncle Da), and in return helped him run a factory that repaired cars. The old man secretly loved Meimei, but, there he had an even bigger secret.
郝岩冰(成泰燊 饰)的妻子无故失踪,距今已有八年之久,这些年间,痛苦的男人一直将自己关在红色的房车里,默默的等待着不知如今身在何处的妻子再度出现。在一条危险的公路上,郝岩冰遇见了神秘的女孩美美(王珞丹 饰),麻木而又冷静的她似乎不知道危险为何物。   原来,美美亦有着曲折和离奇的身世。从刚一出生起,她便要忍受常人无法理解的肉体和精神上的双重痛苦。长久以来,美美都暗恋着修车厂的老板达叔(刘兆铭 饰),然而这段感情注定将不会有任何的结果。美美搭上了郝岩冰的房车,惊讶的发现这辆车能够缓解她的痛苦,与此同时,她还发现,达叔守口如瓶的秘密和眼前的男人有着千丝万缕的关联。
