
又名:不老骑士 电影版 / Go Grandriders


主演:赖清炎 朱妙贵 赖秀升 王克岭 刘樹发 王中天 康建华 黄妈存 谭德玉 李达基 吴敬恒 孙相春 何清桐 石玉宝 黄財 张弘道 张陈映美 

导演:华天灏 / 




Plot Summary:Would you still dare to dream when you're 80 years old? On average, they are 81 years old, but with dreams only 18-year-old and they dare to dream. They would tell you, through life-long experience, 'Miracles do happen as long as you continue to dream!' Among these 17 'Grandriders', 2 have gone through cancers, 4 need hearing aids, 5 suffer from high blood pressure and 8 have coronary diseases. And every one of them has symptoms of joint degeneration. The challenges officially begin when they decide to straddle on their scooters: Objections from family members, taking driver's license at old age, aging bodies and bodily functions and every possible weather and road conditions along that 1178-kilometer long journey.
2007年11月13日,在弘道老人福利基金会的推动下,17位平均81岁的长者,开始了为期13天的骑摩托车环岛壮举,他们从台中出发,一路往南行经台南、高雄、屏东、台东、花莲、宜兰、台北,再回到台中,总路程长达1178公里!17位长者中,有两位曾罹患癌症,四位需带助听器,五位患有高血压,途中历经险峻的苏花公路,历经团长三进三出医院,但他们一一克服困难,用无惧的心、热血的行动,完成了这个在外人眼中“不可能的梦想”。   17位长者的生命历程各不相同,他们有的来自本土台湾、有的随国民党军队来台,职业有警察、退伍军人、牧师、书法老师、理发师等,更有趣的是,有的外省爷爷不会讲台语,但为了要跟本省同伴沟通,互相以很重的口音讲着对方的语言,画面煞是有趣。13天的环岛旅程下来,16位爷爷和1位奶奶从不相识到发展出有如家人般的感情,更不约而同表示自己变得更年轻、更有活力!
