瘟疫求生指南How to Survive a Plague(2012)


主演:Peter Staley 拉里·克莱默 Iris Long 比尔·克林顿 Matthew Ebert 

导演:大卫·弗朗斯 / 编剧:大卫·弗朗斯 David France/Todd Woody Richman





Plot Summary:In the early years of the AIDS epidemic, the disease was considered a death sentence affecting communities, like the LGBT ones, whom many in power felt deserved it. This film tells the story of how militant activists like ACT-UP and TAG pushed for a meaningful response to this serious public health problem. As the activists struggled against political indifference, religious hostility, corporate greed and apparently skewed scientific research priorities with determination and sheer audacity, they produced a political wave that would lead to not only an effective treatment regime, but would advance LGBT rights beyond anyone's expectations.
二十世纪80至90年代,艾滋如瘟疫般肆虐蔓延,夺走超过四千万人的生命。一群年轻勇敢的男女同性恋,他们用强大的信念和行动争取自己的权利。通过走上街头示威,冲击政府机构、渗透科学研究和参与临床实验,他们付出了自己的青春甚至生命,成功扭转了社会的价值认知,寻找到有效的药物和治疗方法,让新世代的艾滋患者免于被宣判死刑的命运。   本片几乎全部采用当年的历史影像剪辑而成,是导演戴维·弗朗斯的第一部电影作品。《瘟疫求生指南》获得2012年哥谭奖最佳纪录片,并入围第85届奥斯卡最佳纪录片单元。
