
又名:机师小姐 / 爱与梦飞翔(港) / Miss Pilot

主演:堀北真希 相武纱季 斋藤工 樱庭奈奈美 菜菜绪 间宫祥太朗 小柳友 藤井流星 庄野崎谦 藤泽惠麻 岩城滉一 

导演:泽田镰作 / 成田岳 / 编剧:樱井刚 Tsuyoshi Sakurai




Plot Summary:A young aspiring female pilot named Tezuka Haru has been desperately hunting for a job for a while now, but nothing seems to come about. Without thinking about the consequences, she takes and barely passes the necessary exam to enter the world of aviation. From then on, she begins to walk the path towards becoming a female pilot. Of course she struggles a lot, especially since the training is more severe than she expected before taking the exam. She bonds with her fellow cadets, has to deal with some very strict teachers, and meets various people while going through the pilot training.
东京居酒屋家的女儿手冢晴(堀北真希 饰)正处在进入职场的关口,只是这个女孩对未来毫无头绪,求职路上她频频碰壁,心情低落。偶然的机缘,她参加了ANA航空公司的飞行员甄选。经过层层严苛选拔,小晴终于成为该公司第68期飞行员培训生,并和小田千里(相武纱季 饰)、岸井泰治(间宫祥太郎 饰)、山田一男(藤井流星 饰)等同期分在严肃冷淡的国木田孝之助(齐藤工 饰)教官所在的A组接受训练。然而这只是万里征程的一小步,美好梦想的前方还有更多考验等待着他们。   在自由翱翔未来天际的同时,还肩负着上百人的命运,为了找到飞机起飞的动力,小晴和伙伴们不懈努力……
