
又名:Education Education



导演:陈为军 / 





Plot Summary:In ancient times in China, education was the only way out of poverty; in recent times it has been the best way. China's economic boom and talk of the merits of hard work have created an expectation that to study is to escape poverty. Many Chinese parents see getting a degree as a way of ensuring their children have better, less impoverished lives than their own. But in 1997, the Chinese government privatized universities and education became a commodity. It's a money-making business where there's a profit to be made - The University Entrance Exams Day - the day students receive their results - often determines the future of one's whole life. If you get good results, you get into the state-subsidized universities. If you don't, there are other universities you can get into but they are more costly, often substandard, and run as lucrative businesses. Some unscrupulous colleges employ marketing techniques to target poor, rural families who are often less streetwise to their tactics. More...
影片中的角色各自面临了困境:身为农村家庭里第一个识字的人,如何才能挤进大学?和每年应届毕业的200万名大学生一起成为找不到工作的「蚁族」,是什么滋味?要是唯一能找到的工作,是卖明知不值钱的文凭给其他人,是否该昧著良心去做?怵目惊心的真实故事,显示在中国,教育可能不再是脱贫的凭借,而是一场巨大的骗局。 In ancient China, education was the only way out of poverty – in recent times it has been the best way. China's economic boom and talk of the merits of hard work have created an expectation that to study is to escape poverty. But these days China's education system only leads to jobs for a few, educating a new generation to unemployment and despair.
