

主演:北野武 永山瑛太 竹内结子 

导演:石桥冠 / 编剧:松本清張



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 黑色福音.Kuroi.Fukuin.Chi_Jap.HDTVrip.704X396-YYeTs人人影
2019-05-11 黑色福音.Kuroi.Fukuin.Chi_Jap.HDTVrip.1024X576-YYeTs人人



Plot Summary:On April 4, 1959, Detective Rokuro Fujisawa takes his dog for a walk. Shortly later, he finds a dead woman. He is able to identify her by searching through her handbag. Her name is Setsuko Ikuta and she worked as a stewardess for an international airline company. She also has a special delivery envelope from the Church Guglielmo. To monitor Detective Rokuro Fujisawa, who is an ace detective, but sometimes uncontrollable, higher ups assigns Yoshitaka Ichimura as Rokuro Fujisawa's new partner. Through intense investigation, Detective Rokuro Fujisawa learns that a blue Renault car with a license plate reserved for foreign residents was parked near the place where the dead woman was found. Detective Rokuro Fujisawa also discovers that the Church Guglielmo possesses a blue Renault.
昭和34年(1959),东京武藏野玄伯寺川的河边发现一具女性尸体。死者名叫生田世津子(木村文乃 饰),是专飞国际航线的空中小姐。经过尸检证实,世津子系被人用手臂蛮力扼杀。警视厅迅速成立专案组,而搜查一课即将退休的刑警藤泽六郎(北野武 饰)自告奋勇加入进来。藤泽似乎是一个不守规矩一意孤行的麻烦人物,因此组织派新人刑警市村由孝(瑛太 饰)与之组队,以牵制藤泽的行动。但是市村完全无法左右这位老前辈的行动,很快二人便查明案发当晚曾有一辆隶属于外籍人士的蓝色雷诺在现场出现,继而顺藤摸瓜查到了巴西古里尔莫教会。因牵涉到外国人,使专案组的调查承受巨大压力。而发誓为死者讨还清白的藤泽,却仍朝着黑暗的彼方奔去……   本片由著名推理作家松本清张根据真实事件创作的小说改编。
