
又名:Unlimited Fafnir

主演:松冈祯丞 日高里菜 沼仓爱美 金元寿子 花泽香菜 德井青空 内村史子 山口立花子 佐仓绫音 井上麻里奈 早见沙织 

导演:草川启造 / 高橋順 / 编剧:江夏由結


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 【幻櫻字幕組】【銃皇無盡的法夫納 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.06】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻櫻字幕組】【銃皇無盡的法夫納 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.05】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻櫻字幕組】【銃皇無盡的法夫納 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.04】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻櫻字幕組】【銃皇無盡的法夫納 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.03】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻櫻字幕組】【銃皇無盡的法夫納 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.02】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻櫻字幕組】【銃皇無盡的法夫納 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.01】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻樱字幕组】【铳皇无尽的法夫纳 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.06】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻樱字幕组】【铳皇无尽的法夫纳 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.05】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻樱字幕组】【铳皇无尽的法夫纳 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.04】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻樱字幕组】【铳皇无尽的法夫纳 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.03】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻樱字幕组】【铳皇无尽的法夫纳 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.02】【BD
2019-05-11 【幻樱字幕组】【铳皇无尽的法夫纳 Juuou Mujin no Fafnir】【vol.01】【BD
2019-05-11 铳皇无尽的法夫纳[720P]



Plot Summary:Midgar, all-girl academy, would have been notable just for the action of accepting its first and only male student, Yuu Mononobe. But Midgar stands out for much more than that: it's a school exclusive to a group of girls known as D's. Each of them have extremely powerful abilities in generating dark matter and manipulating it into powerful weaponry. The D's didn't exist twenty-five years ago, and only appeared after a number of mysterious, destructive monsters known as "Dragons" started appearing around the world. Strangely, just as suddenly as they appeared, they vanished. In their destructive wake, some girls started being born with symbols on their bodies and powers similar in nature to those wielded by the Dragons themselves. Now the D's attend this school, hoping to harness and utilize their powers against the Dragons. Yuu is their latest member and is extraordinary for being the only known male D in existence. Now he must forge relationships with the girls around him, including ...
某一日,一种名为“龙”的怪物出现在了地球上,危害着人类的安全,不断压榨着人类的生存空间。幸运的是,随着龙的出现,另一些拥有着超能力,被称为“Type Dragon”的少女们应运而生,她们的存在就是为了抵抗龙的侵害。   按照常理来说,拥有龙之力的应该都为女性,然而,物部悠却是唯一一个拥有异能的男性,长久以来,他都将其当成一个秘密死死守护,但最终,秘密还是被公之于众。物部悠被送往了米德加尔学园之中,这里汇聚了所有的异能少女们,她们在这里接受训练,同时也得到保护。在校园中,物部悠和失散多年的妹妹物部深月重逢了。
