
又名:脱黑:请不要再当黑社会 / 脱黑:不再当黑社会 / 脫黑刑事课

主演:大岛优子 北村一辉 胜地凉 本田翼 田中哲司 山口纱弥加 名取裕子 远藤宪一 

导演:堤幸彦 / 加藤新 / 坪井敏雄 / 白石達也 / 编剧:樱井武晴 Takahiro Sakurai



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [141205][01-Torte] 愛嬢機姦V バックドラフト -拘束痙攣絶頂- ~極☆動!FXE



Plot Summary:Bakushu is an adviser in the "Clean Break Helpline" - a special unit in the Organized Crime Department at Tokyo Metropolitan Police which helps those who want to make a clean break from a gang group. Although she treats gang member clients like "scum", she goes far beyond her responsibility to help them quit the organization by getting a written agreement from the gang boss and finding jobs for them afterwards. Also, her colleague and a former detective at the Organized Crime Department, Mikajima Kakeru doesn't get along with Bakushu. One day, "Clean Break Helpline" receives a call from a client. He is the leader of a gang group under the umbrella of a designated organized crime group "Kanto Kifune Gumi", and claims that he already made an apology to the boss of Kanto Kifune Gumi, Tachibana Isao. The client says that his group has got in trouble because of Bakushu.
自从“暴对法”施行以来,传统的黑社会组织受到前所未有的打击和压制,与此同时他们也改头换面,以更为隐蔽和狡猾的方式继续游走在法律难以触及的灰色地带大发其财。为此,警方通过各种方式与黑道进行着不懈的斗争。警视厅组织犯罪对策部第三课内有一个被称为“脱CALL”的部门,任何想要金盆洗手的黑道中人都可致电脱CALL请求援助,从而展开全新的人生。任职该部门的永光麦秋(大岛优子 饰)因某种原因,对黑社会似乎有着刻骨铭心的仇恨,她除了利用职权帮助相关人员“脱黑”外,甚至不惜采用一些超常规的手段打击黑道组织乃至普通市民。   与黑道多有瓜葛的组对四课刑警三岛翔(北村一辉 饰)因放跑疑犯被踢到脱CALL,他目击着冷酷的麦桑对脱黑者近乎无情的历练,也陪伴着她朝着橘勋(远藤宪一 饰)所率领的关东贵船组发起冲击……
