嫉妒是我的力量질투는 나의 힘(2002)

又名:妒忌就是我的力量 / 欲望情骸 / Jealousy Is My Middle Name

上映日期:2002-11-15(釜山国际电影节) / 2003-03-13(韩国)片长:125分钟

主演:朴海日 文成根 裴宗玉 

导演:朴灿玉 / 编剧:朴燦玉 Chan-ok Park




Plot Summary:This award winning debut film from director Park chan-ok tells the story of a young graduate student who takes a job under false pretenses in order to get close to an editor at a magazine. The editor takes advantage of his passive ways and makes him do things for him excessively. Later, the graduate student's girlfriend begins working at the same magazine and begins to get to know the editor. It's here that this story steps off the beaten path...
Won-sang虽然已大学毕业,但为了储钱只好出国进修,并到了一间出版社工作。出版社社长Yoon-shik已婚多年,仍经常拈花惹草,甚至向Won-sang的女友下手。 随着Won-sang与Yoon-shik接触日多,他对这名社长既尊敬又妒忌。后来Won-sang看上了报社中一名中年女摄影师Sung-yeon。Sung-yeon寂寞多年,亦视Won-sang为她在生命中重燃火花的希望。同时间,Won-sang因为工作需要须不时到Yoon-shik的家,却又搭上了Yoon-shik的妻子
