恐怖大师 第二季Masters Of Horror(2006)


主演:George Wendt Haley Guiel Matt Keeslar Meredith Monroe 

导演:John Landis / 编剧:米克·加里斯 Mick Garris/克里夫·巴克 Clive Barker

恐怖大师 第二季:在线播放

恐怖大师 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Masters Of Horror Collection (9-12) 2 movie's op 1

恐怖大师 第二季:最新字幕下载

恐怖大师 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Rob Hanisey is an aspiring author who moves into a large boarding house called Highberger House, a place where struggling writers live until their works become published. While trying to write his first book, a horror thriller, Rob has repeated encounters with a mysterious young woman named Valerie who pleads wit him to save her from a unseen force. But Rob's neighbors, including the elderly and eccentric writer Everett seem to know more than what they are letting on about who (or what) Valerie really is.
恐怖片导演米克·加利斯(Mick Garris)一手缔造的“恐怖大师”系列强势回归Showtime频道,第二季延请了丝毫不逊于第一季的豪华恐怖导演阵容,势要将尖叫指数拔到最高。单集将近1个小时的13部小剧集,魅影橦橦,怪诞诡异。似乎有着生命的地下油状物体,用强酸溶掉他人在装扮成自己家人的恐怖老伯,实施惨烈惩罚的孤独吸血鬼,听力极其敏锐却备受困扰的男子,孕育着魔鬼骨血的年轻女孩,弥漫全国令所有男人疯狂的螺旋蝇、心中埋着复仇种子的尖叫冰淇淋幽灵,食人族出身的国父华盛顿、恐怖作家爱伦•坡的黑暗秘辛以及游荡在公海中央小艇中的怨灵。 奇思妙想,光怪陆离,邪典故事交替上演……©豆瓣
