
主演:藤谷太辅 洼田正孝 饭丰万理江 山崎纮菜 稻叶友 前田公辉 铃木优华 田园可南子 奥仲麻琴 渡边佑太朗 黄川田将也 

导演:耶云哉治 / 神德幸治 / 编剧:大石哲也 Tetsuya Oishi/惣领冬实(原作)





Plot Summary:The story revolves around Kira and Rei, two high school students. Kira is an extremely introverted artist, and Rei is an outgoing playboy with a frightening violent side. The two start a friendship and eventually a romance after Rei sees a drawing that Kira drew on the back of a map she gave him. However, both Kira and Rei are hiding troubled pasts, and through their relationship they confront their past demons. Masao, a student at Kira and Rei's school, has a connection to Rei's violent past. He enters Kira and Rei's lives to try to force Rei to return to the person he used to be.
麻生绮罗(饭丰万理江 饰)天生不擅长和人打交道,她喜欢用画笔在画布上涂抹,来表达自己内心汹涌的情感。某日,在海边画画的绮罗偶然邂逅了一名陌生的少年,让绮罗没有想到的是,这名骑着摩托车的冷酷少年樫野零(藤谷太辅 饰),竟然在新的学期里成为了自己的同班同学。   绮罗敏感的发现,零似乎对自己产生了兴趣因而格外关注,这令绮罗觉得十分不舒服。某日,绮罗遭到了英语老师吉冈保(黄川田将也 饰)的骚扰和非礼,在这千钧一发之际,是零跳出来阻止了悲剧的发生,绮罗和零因此结缘,两人之间产生了纯洁的感情。可是,就在此时,零的初中同学桐岛牧生(洼田正孝 饰)转校而来,三人陷入了一段复杂的关系之中。
