猎兔季节Rabbit Seasoning(1952)



导演:查克·琼斯 / 编剧:Michael Maltese



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Seasoning



Plot Summary:Daffy Duck has signs hanging from every inch of every available tree announcing that it's rabbit season. But, you guessed it - it's really duck season. Elmer Fudd appears: he's the only hunter alive dumb enough to fall for the gag. He's even dumber than that. When Bugs Bunny strides up to him and asks how the rabbit hunting is going, Elmer admits that he hasn't seen a rabbit yet. This is more than Daffy can stand. He emerges from his hiding place and immediately points to a rabbit: Bugs Bunny. "Shoot him now!" Daffy screams. "You be quiet," says Bugs. "He doesn't have to shoot you now." Daffy insists that he does. After Daffy returns his blasted-off beak to his head, he is doomed to more arguments infected with "pronoun trouble" which all have the same result. Later, Bugs dresses as a sexy woman and flirtingly ask Elmer for a duck dinner. Will Daffy get the last laugh? "Ha, ha, very funny! Ha, ha, ha!"
“想找乐子,不需要什么理由,你只需要一把枪,现在正是猎兔季”。在某个秋高气爽的世界,一座丛林的入口处,插满了这样鼓舞人拿枪杀生的宣传牌。越往森林深处走去,这样的告示牌越多,但是这些却都是坏心眼的达菲鸭(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)的杰作。正值猎鸭季,他可不愿成为猎人的目标,于是用这样的告示牌转移火力,顺便从旁观战找点儿乐子。他的“宣传”起作用了,一个笨蛋猎人拿着猎枪走入森林,吵醒了在洞里睡觉的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)。   当然聪明的兔八哥不会这么束手就擒,他和达菲鸭展开了脑力大比拼,想方设法摆脱猎人的纠缠……
