
又名:Nihon no higeki / Japanese Melodrama


主演:望月優子 桂木洋子 上原谦 

导演:木下惠介 / 编剧:木下惠介 Keisuke Kinoshita



日期 资源名称
2022-11-20 日本的悲剧A.Japanese.Tragedy.1953.JAPANESE.1080p.WEBRip


Plot Summary:Alternating in time, between the end of World War II and 1953, Haruko, a widow, does what she can to keep her daughter Utako and son Seiichi safe, fed, and sheltered. By 1953, it's clear that the children, as they enter adulthood, want little to do with their mother. They have a different view of their childhood and her sacrifices: in their eyes, she abandoned them to live a life of pleasure. The self-pitying Haruko is sure her life was one of pain and humiliation, for her children. As Seiichi, now a medical student, announces his plans to let a wealthy man adopt him, and as Utako considers the offer to go away with a married man who is her English teacher, what is left for Haruko?
故事描写一名母亲独力把两名儿女抚养成人,不惜从事黑市买卖,甚至出卖肉体,但儿女们却毫无感激之心,母亲最后只好以自杀了却残生。   木下惠介是一位善于抒情的导演,在他的作品中往往能看到优美的画面,听到怡人的配乐,然而本片却一反其一贯风格,呈现出别具一格的风貌。在本片中,木下导演用写实的笔触描绘出一段残酷的故事。剧中的主人公是一位包受战乱之苦的妇女,而她的两名子女却半点不体谅母亲的苦心,自私而无情地把母亲逼上了绝路。影片的画面好像新闻报导片一样冷静而不带修饰,反而营造出令人震慑的冲击效果。影片入选1953年电影旬报评出的年度十佳作品榜,出演春子的望月优子获得了每日电影评选的最佳女主演奖。
