Plot Summary:The Bide-a-wee Mouse Home sends two orphans over for a hike with Scoutmaster Jerry. Trouble is, the orphans, dressed as Indians, want to shoot arrows and tomahawk-chop everything in sight, and especially Tom, who quickly gets scalped and has the end of his tail chopped off. He captures Jerry; this, of course, means war, for which the tots paint dozens of badminton shuttlecocks as a fake army. They also paint a fierce face on the sleeping dog. Ultimately, they get Tom to leave a trail of gunpowder, which they light, destroying the garage. Tom signals a truce, and they all smoke a peace pipe, but the smoke comes out of Tom's ears instead of his mouth.
在一个阳光明媚的日子里,两个手执弓箭和斧头、一身印第安人打扮却抱着尿布的小老鼠辗转来到杰瑞的门前。他们交给杰瑞一封来自收养孤儿的老鼠之家的信,心中请求杰瑞带着两个小家伙展开一段旅行。杰瑞应允下来,却不曾想惹来无数的麻烦。其中一只来到史派克的面前挑衅,幸亏杰瑞及时解围;另一只则将弓箭对准树上睡觉的小鸟,杰瑞虽然阻止却令自己中箭。 杰瑞带着两个小家伙出发,而他们又将目标对准了正在熟睡的汤姆,甚至想切下他的头皮!汤姆受到骚扰,恼羞成怒,不断追赶这三只可恶的老鼠。一场印第安的战争旋即展开,小院子成了西部战场……