
又名:New Year Sacrifice


主演:白杨 邸力 管宗祥 李景波 史林 魏鹤龄 

导演:桑弧 / 编剧:夏衍 Yan Xia




日期 资源名称
2022-08-23 祝福.CCTV6.1080p


Plot Summary:Before the Revolution of 1911, widow Aunt Xianglin heard that her mother-in-law would sell her. Therefore, she ran to the Lu town and worked as a servant in Lord Lu Si's house, but she made his wife happy because of her diligence. However, her mother-in-law found her and forced her to marry He Laoliu. He Laoliu was honest, tolerant and kind. In order to pay off the debt, he finally exhausted to death and his son was eaten by wolves. Thus, Aunt Xianglin returned to Lord Lu Si's house. She was afraid of being torn limb from limb by Hades, so she contributed her one-year earning to the temple housing the god of earth. When she offered her sacrifices excitedly on the blessing evening, members of Lu family scolded her and drove her out. As a result, she died at the snowy blessing night.
辛亥革命前后,居住在浙东山村里的祥林嫂(白杨 饰)命运凄惨,丈夫祥林早年去世,他死后的棺材帐越滚越大,一家人生活举步维艰。婆婆走投无路,为了还清债务,给二儿子阿根娶亲,在中人卫老二(管宗祥 饰)的怂恿下不惜偷偷将媳妇卖给贺老六(魏鹤龄 饰)。阿根将此事告于嫂子,心中无限凄苦的祥林嫂连夜逃跑,经人介绍在鲁镇鲁四老爷家打工。未过多久,婆婆登门领走祥林嫂。被逼过门的女人险些闹出人命,幸运的是贺老六为人善良忠厚,待她不薄,儿子阿毛的出生则令祥林嫂些许体会到生而为人的难得幸福。好景不长,丈夫和儿子接连死亡,彻底将祥林嫂的人生推向谷底……   本片根据中国著名文学家鲁迅的同名小说改编。
