Plot Summary:Winnie the Pooh, the honey loving silly old bear attempts to get honey from a bee tree, so after climbing the tree didn't work, he borrows Christopher Robin's balloon, dunks himself in mud and floats to the top of the honey tree incognito as a little black rain cloud. After escaping the angry bees, Pooh decides to get honey the old fashion way: getting some from Rabbit, so after stuffing his face with all of Rabbit's honey, Pooh attempts to climb out Rabbit's front door, but becomes stuck! No matter how hard everyone tries, they can't get him out, so they wait for Pooh to lose weight before they can get him out. Then along comes Gopher who agrees to help get Pooh out and almost feeds him more honey! But then one morning, Pooh is finally freed from the doorway and ends up in another sticky situation-quite literally!
迪士尼短片动画,迪士尼第一部小熊维尼的作品。小熊维尼是英国儿童文学作家 A.A.Milne笔下一只爱吃蜂蜜的熊,一系列作品描写的正是他儿子罗宾和玩具动物的 假象故事,迪士尼取得原作者A.A.Milne授权后,首度将其书中的第一章画成短片动画片【小熊维尼与蜂蜜树】,于1966年推出。 这篇短片后来在1977年被收在迪士尼第22部经典动画电影【小熊维尼历险记】第一段。