
又名:座头市20 / Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo


主演:胜新太郎 三船敏郎 若尾文子 泷泽修 米仓齐加年 岸田森 岚宽寿郎 细川俊之 神山繁 寺田稔 砂塚秀夫 草野大悟 常田富士男 木村元 田中浩 

导演:冈本喜八 / 编剧:吉田哲郎/冈本喜八





Plot Summary:With a price on his head, Ichi seeks tranquillity in a favorite village. Since his last visit, it has fallen prey to Boss Masagoro, the son of a merchant rumored to have stolen gold from the shogunate. The boss has hired Yojimbo as his hard-drinking enforcer, but Yojimbo is both a spy for the shogunate, trying to find the gold, and in love with the merchant's unwilling mistress, Umeno. Ichi hires on as the merchant's masseur and buys Umeno's freedom with his employer's own money. This embarrasses Yojimbo who withdraws from a pact with Ichi to stir up trouble between father and son and their gangs. As the two sides fight, Ichi finds the gold and sets up a final set of confrontations.
盲剑客座头市(胜新太郎 饰)独行天下,扶弱济贫,但他渐渐厌倦了血雨腥风的生活,决心返回故乡莲花泽隐居。然而宁静的故乡已被暴徒政吾郎(米仓齐加年 饰)霸占,村民饱受欺侮,苦不堪言。政吾郎得知阿市归来,遂高价聘请流浪武士佐佐大作(三船敏郎 饰)充当保镖,以伺机除掉阿市。   小小村庄,二人不免狭路相逢,不过几次决斗皆因各种原因而推迟。所谓英雄惜英雄,这不断推迟的对决让两人的斗志逐渐燃烧起来……   根据子母泽宽原著小说改编。
