他们是神2...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità(1971)

又名:All the Way Trinity / Trinity Is STILL My Name


主演:特伦斯·希尔 布德·斯藩塞 Yanti Somer 恩佐·塔拉肖 

导演:恩佐·巴博尼 / 编剧:Enzo Barboni



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Trinity Is Still My Name (1971) 1080p-H264-AAC-&a
2019-05-12 Le seguian llamando Trinidad. Blu-ray rip. 1080p
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Trinity Is Still My Name 1971 1080p BluRay REMUX A


日期 资源名称
2022-08-01 Trinity.Is.Still.My.Name.1971
2021-12-15 他们是神2.zip
2021-05-21 TrinityIsStillMyName.1971.chs-sub
2021-05-21 TrinityIsStillMyName.1971cht.srt
2021-05-21 TrinityIsStillMyName.1971.big5.srt
2019-06-27 TrinityIsStillMyName.1971.chs-sub
2019-05-12 TrinityIsStillMyName.1971cht.srt
2019-05-12 TrinityIsStillMyName.1971.big5.srt


Plot Summary:A couple of two-bit thieving brothers try and keep a promise to their dying father: stick together and become successful outlaws. Bambino reluctantly agrees to show younger Trinity the ropes, but their gentle demeanors tend to diminish their haul by repeatedly helping the selfsame family they initially held up. Fun ensues in town and at the local Spanish mission where they are taken for federal agents, mistakenly so identified by Trinity's young love interest, daughter of the aforementioned family.
闹剧流意大利西部片的经典代表   上部中气急败坏的Bud决定和Joe分道扬镳,但他注定拜托不了这个爱捣蛋地弟弟,当Bud回老家休息的时候他的弟弟Joe也回来了,为让兄弟和睦,兄弟俩的父亲假装心脏病发作,让Bud答应照顾弟弟,于是Bud带着弟弟Joe开始了学习如何当一个合格的盗马贼的旅途,但是Joe善良天真的性格总是让Bud筹划的计谋失败。在一个小镇酒吧闹事后,他们被误认为是联邦密探,当地的恶霸帕克企图收买他们,却让Joe对边境处的一座修道院起了疑心,趁着Bud计划打劫驿马车的时候,Joe从修士们那里了解到帕克在进行军火买卖,于是兄弟俩趁机偷走了赃款,岂料最后机关算尽,为了脱身还是只能空手而归
