没影点Point de fuite(1987)


主演:Catherine Aymerie 

导演:奥利维尔·斯默尔德斯 / 编剧:Marcel Mariën





Plot Summary:A new teacher comes to class to teach a lesson on a complicated math theorem. The class is waiting completely nude and catches her off guard. She takes off her clothes before the beginning of her lesson. During the lesson, the students put their clothes back on and take away her clothes, as she is concentrated solely on the theorem. Upon finishing, she is embarrassed that they are clothed and she is left naked, but there is now someone at the door. The class ask the unknown to come in, and they find a naked teacher but clothed students. Inspired by a mathematical rhetoric.
一只男鞋被扔在地上进入镜头,一只女鞋被扔在地上进入镜头,接着是一件件不同的衣物扔了下来。女教师打开教室门,眼前就是这堆衣物,而学生们无论男女都一丝不挂。她故作镇定开始讲课,学生们的眼神自然又冷漠,好像这一切都稀疏平常。教室里静默的没有其他声响,女教师向一位女生提问也得不 到任何回应,另一位男生走上讲台,在黑板上写出“像我们一样做。”   女教师只能脱下衣服,把它们扔在衣服堆上,即使有些尴尬也坚持继续讲课。学生们趁着她面对黑板写板书的时间悄无声息的把衣服都穿上了,装作什么都没有发生过。这时,敲门声想起……
