Plot Summary:An artist and a young woman are in a dentist's waiting room. Though he is attracted to the woman, he says nothing to her. They are later in the same examining room. When he is given an anesthetic, he begins to imagine a series of scenes in which the woman undergoes various forms of sexual abuse, including rape and torture. When the artist recovers from the anaesthetic, he finds clues showing that he may not have been hallucinating.
身穿和服的美丽女子锦户坂江(雾浪千寿 饰)正在寻找牙科医生,骑着摩托的青年田之边慎吉(远水健二 饰)为坂江指明路线,并载着她前往医院。 牙科医生叶室千枝子(爱染恭子 饰)是一个妖艳非常的女人,她为坂江注射麻药后,脱去白大褂,现出性感妖冶面目。坂江在半睡半醒中,进行了一段鬼魅而怪异的奇幻旅程。 本片根据日本官能小说家谷崎潤一郎的同名原著改编,是武智铁二“白日梦”系列的第二部。