Thunderbolt Fantasy 东离剑游纪Thunderbolt Fantasy 東離劍遊紀(2016)

又名:霹雳奇幻 东离剑游纪 / 霹雳幻想 东离剑游纪

主演:诹访部顺一 中原麻衣 鸟海浩辅 平川大辅 关智一 户松遥 小山力也 铃村健一 大原沙耶香 桧山修之 山路和弘 安元洋贵 大川透 田中敦子 

导演:黄强华 / 王嘉祥 / 编剧:虚渊玄 Gen Urobuchi

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Thunderbolt Fantasy 东离剑游纪:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Set in an Eastern fantasy setting, Dan Fei and her brother, guardians of a sword known as the Tian Xíng Jin, are pursued by the evil Xuan Gui Zong clan, who seek to obtain the sword for their master, Mie Tian Hai. While her brother is defeated, Fei, who possesses the sword's crossguard, escapes and finds herself in the care of the wandering swordsman, Shang Bu Huan, and a mysterious man named Lin Xu Ya, who become her protectors from the pursuing Xuan Gui Zong clan.
曾经的一场人魔大战令两方人马都元气大伤,如今,战争的硝烟已然散去,却遗留下了诸多的难题要一一破解。人类为了赢得战争而锻造了大批拥有强大力量的武器,人们称之为“神诲魔械”,战争结束后,这批破坏力强大的武器的去向则成为了需要解决的首要问题,大家都同意将它们交由护印师来保管。   丹衡(平川大辅 配音)和丹翡(中原麻衣 配音)兄妹两,身为护印师,担负起了保管最强兵器“天刑剑”的职责,却也给两人引来了杀身之祸。最终,天刑剑还是落入了蔑天骸(关智一 配音)的手中。为了追回魔剑,丹翡踏上了旅途,期间结识了凛雪鸦(鸟海浩辅 配音)和殇不患(诹访部顺一 配音)两人。
