


导演:Chad Cohen / 





Plot Summary:First discovered in 1912 by German aristocrat Ernst Stromer, the dinosaur called Spinosaurus was believed to be a meat eater even larger than Tyrannosaurus rex. Unfortunately for Stromer and the science of palaeontology, the world's only Spinosaurus skeleton was destroyed in World War II leaving behind many secrets. Modern day palaeontologist Nizar Ibrahim receives word that an amateur Moroccan fossil hunter has unearthed a new Spinosaurus skeleton so he travels to Morocco, along with a team of scientists that includes Paul Sereno, in order to verify these claims and find more Spinosaurus bones. Upon finding the fossil hunter who found the additional Spinosaurs material, Inbrahim's team are taken to the site of the excavation where they find yet more Spinosaurus bones. Upon studying the newly discovered skeleton, the team realise that they are looking at one of the weirdest dinosaurs ever found. The newly reconstructed Spinosaurus turns out to be the first aquatic dinosaur to be discovered by science.
